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by: Liam Speden; DBI Senior Advisor
Recent investigations have raised concerns about the quality and value of offsets listed on the largest VCM exchanges, with potentially up to 90% of projects significantly overstating their carbon value and potentially even worsening global emissions. Find out the 5 key questions executives should be asking to ensure spending on carbon offsets achieves their desired business objectives.
by: Liam Speden; DBI Senior Advisor
The growing perception of the dangers of extreme climate events along with increased scrutiny and activism from activists, shareholders, and investors has brought the issue of an organization’s carbon impact to the foreground. Explore how ‘minimization’, ‘mitigation’, and ‘transformation’ can spur innovation while driving effective decarbonization strategies.
by: Liam Speden; DBI Senior Advisor
What is Blockchain, and why is it useful for Carbon Credits? Get a basic overview of the core digital ledger technology to better understand the limitations and opportunities for a variety of blockchain use applications.
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